Strengthening bilateral scientific and technical relations between researchers of two countries in the field of designing and development of new materials and technologies, increasing the level of information exchange between Russian and Chinese scientists, and popularizing the achievements in various fields of materials science and in interdisciplinary research.
Metallic, ceramic, and composite materials:
— Materials for aviation and space technology;
— Materials for energy;
— Materials for electronics;
— Biomedical materials;
— Rare and precious metals;
— High-purity substances;
— Energy saving materials, green technologies, catalysts;
— Surface phenomena and coating technologies;
— Laser-information technologies for products of complex configuration;
— Functional materials including refractory, superhard, and magnetic materials;
— New technologies in metallurgical process;
— Simulation and digitization in metallurgical process.
All plenary oral and poster presentations and illustrations should be given in English
Scientific program Symposium program includes 20 invited plenary presentations – 10 from each, Russian and Chinese, parties and poster sessions.
Competition for best presentations of young scientists will be held during Symposium
Symposium proceedings The Symposium Proceedings (with ISBN) will be published by the opening of the symposium.
All papers for publication (articles) must be submitted to the organizing committee
by 30.04.2025.
Additionally, we propose publishing articles in English in separate volumes of journals (publication in 2025): Inorganic Materials: Applied Research (ISSN 2075-1133);
Russian Metallurgy (Metally) (ISSN: 0869-5733).
Requirements for article submission are available on the Symposium website.
Fee is determined by the form of participation. Information is available in detail in Symposium site
Sinara Center, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Chinese Organizing Committee
Adress of Organizing Committee
The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (
No.12, Fuxing Road B, Haidian District, Beijing
Scientific secretary: Huanzhi Gao 13811402047
Russian organizing committee
Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Organizing Committee of the XVII International Russian-Chinese Symposium "New Materials and Technologies"
119334 Russia, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 49,
Scientific Secretary: Vinogradova Natalia tel. (499) 135-45-40
Secretaries: Nikitushkina Olga, Prosvirnin Dmitry tel. (499) 135-44-55
Telegram channel: